Your Kidney Function Really Matters: A Lighter Look at What You Need to Know to Prevent Adverse Drug Events

When you (or loved ones) are taking prescription or over the counter medications…there is a lot you should be worried about, and a lot that your pharmacist may not be telling you. Most people are aware, for example, that several medications taken together can sometimes cause harmful interactions. Most also know that drug allergies can…

Understanding Obesity – How to Successfully Reduce Weight

THE CAUSES OF EXCESSIVE WEIGHT If you eat more nutrients containing energy than you need for your daily activities, for the internal processes of your body, and for the burning process that maintains the body temperature, the excessive nutrients can be transformed to fat and stored in the fat depots in your body. The causes…

Tuberculosis, a Cause for Concern?

Despite advances in treatments available, tuberculosis (TB) still remains a global pandemic. One third the human population is currently infected with tuberculosis. What is tuberculosis? The disease tuberculosis is caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis can affect any part of the body but usually infects the lungs. Tuberculosis is spread through airborne droplets occurring…

Treatment of Heart Disease with Coenzyme Q10

Since its discovery in the late 1950’s Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) has received much attention as a necessary compound for proper cellular function. It is the essential coenzyme necessary for the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) upon which all cellular functions depend. Without ATP our bodies cannot function properly. Without CoQ10, ATP cannot function. This connection…

Traditional Treatments for Back Pain… Which Ones Work and Which Ones Don’t?

When Dorothy followed the yellow brick road, she was told to do so by those who wanted her to get where she wanted go. Well as humans when we blindly follow recommendations even by individuals who have good intentions, it may not always be your best option. So I’m preparing this article to compare and…